How can you see more of your job site and improve processes across all your active projects?
Time-lapse cameras provide a solution for visibility into the job site as well as process improvement. Recently, we spoke with several heads of construction about the value of job site cameras. They mentioned several benefits, including efficiency, flexible schedules, and documentation.
Here are the five key takeaways from those conversations.
1. Increase Visibility
Construction cameras provide detailed insight into the project with high-resolution photos and high-definition time-lapse videos that capture the entire project from the ground up. As a result, teams and stakeholders never miss a beat on the job site with up to the minute imagery that they can easily access from anywhere.
2. Stay Informed
Many construction businesses use cameras as tools to document what occurs on the project. The technology provides concrete evidence of events on site, such as weather setbacks or schedule delays. These images let project managers and owners better understand their job sites, and how to adjust the schedule going forward.
“By viewing the job site in real time, we can verify work in place, identify any performance issues, and have more visibility to things we could possibly do differently.” — RaceTrac
3. Save Time
Stakeholders, team leads, and executives can’t always make weekly site visits but need to remain updated on the status of the project. The real-time project insights from the time-lapse camera let entire teams easily hold meetings from the comfort of their office. The straightforward access keeps everyone in the loop; they can view developments from either their work desk, home office, or on the go.
“When I have regularly scheduled meetings, I can look at the pictures and decide that I don’t need to spend $1,000 and fly up to Boston. I can hold meetings from my office and talk with my guys there.” – Trammell Crow Residential
4. Grow Your Brand
For companies looking to promote their work, time-lapse footage provides insight into their skill level and what they can accomplish on any given project if given the chance. Time-lapse video or auto-updating job site images can be posted on websites, social media, or in an office to showcase the life of the project and reach a broader audience by spreading their brand message across multiple outlets.
5. Achieve Job Site Independence
Often, developers and owners must rely on general contractors to report updates back to them because project managers are in charge of several job sites at once. With job site cameras, anyone can access the site at any time of day. No one must rely on third-party information.
“Before OxBlue, we depended on supervisors to report weather and schedule delays. [Their construction camera system] has proven to be worth its weight in gold.” – KDC
After speaking with six executives about their experiences, all expressed that before job site cameras they relied heavily on third parties for information and progress was held up by inefficiencies in the process. Since adding a window into their job site, they’ve found methods to streamline their operations and enhance overall productivity. The newfound efficiency creates a flexible job site, where project managers can effectively manage their workers’ time and establish when the next phase of the project needs to begin. The benefits of time-lapse construction cameras bring the world of the project into the office and offer unparalleled visibility that otherwise is not available.