ATLANTA, July 16, 2017 – For the sixth consecutive year, OxBlue Corporation, a leading provider of construction time-lapse cameras and support services, has been named among the 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® in the Atlanta area. In addition, this year OxBlue received one of 12 “Elite” awards, recognized for “Communication & Shared Vision.” This is OxBlue’s third Elite award.
Sponsored by the National Association for Business Resources (NABR), the Best and Brightest program recognizes “influential, trend-setting” organizations that score highest in a competitive review of practices that enhance workplace conditions for employees.
Best and Brightest award winners are selected based on two surveys, one for employees and a second for Human Resources, both measuring variables such as compensation and benefits, work-life balance, strategic company performance, and diversity, as well as employee education, recognition, and retention.
“They [employees] are aware of what drives OxBlue’s culture and goals not only because it’s communicated to them, but also because their opinions and ideas went into creating it.”
OxBlue’s nomination details its high level of commitment to fostering communication and shared vision within the company. The strategic goals and objectives of the company are frequently communicated during monthly company-wide meetings, as well as frequent email updates; individual and small-group meetings are scheduled regularly. The company has established a program to encourage, evaluate, and adopt employees’ suggestions for improving any aspect of operations, ranging from internal processes to community investment. Other means of internal communication include employee opinion surveys, town hall meetings, and employee process improvement teams, as well as a digital suggestion box that lives on the company’s intranet.
Every employee is provided with a copy of the company’s strategy and vision statements, which are also posted in common areas. The statements are regularly discussed to ensure that every employee understands what OxBlue stands for, and how their individual contributions affect the organization’s strategic goals as a whole.
“We include our employees in the discussion and formation of our strategy and vision,” says OxBlue’s CEO, Chandler McCormack.